Maths - Measurement

WALT read and explain everyday time problems.

I was learning how to tell the time.

  • If the big hand is on the 1 and the small hand is on the 12 it is 1.00.
  • The big hand points to the hour.
  • The small hand points to the minute.
  • The hand that moves quickly is the seconds hand.
  • am is the morning
  • pm is the afternoon/night

Image result for clocks The time is ten minutes to 2 or it is 1.50. 

Image result for digital clocks This time is 12.30.

I like to use digital clocks because they are easier than analogue clocks. I have a digital clock at home that I can read the time on. 

Term 1 Goal Review

Term 1 2017 Goal Review and Next Steps
Name: Harry Jones

Parent Goal(s)
Strategies I can use are:
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Improve his writing ability
And he must control his temper
To help him to do his homework

Encourage him in his writing and to get him to write at home
My next step is to help him with his maths

To continue to help him with his maths

Student Goal(s)
Strategies I can use are:
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is
I want to get better at writing

I can write more in my book not my computer
I can practice my writing
To learn my divided bys

Term one goal is to get better at maths

Dance Blog

Dance - Term 2

I enjoyed learning how to do the Hip Hop routine.

I was challenged by the hard movements because they were too quick to keep up with.

I was surprised by how good I was at the end. I improved lots in the 2 weeks. At the beginning I thought I would be bad but then I realised that I was good.

I would like to see Dean again. I want him to come and teach us again.